Partyless and covid can decide budget voting

Partyless and covid can decide budget voting

Prior to the vote, the Moderates have requested a set-off ban. In principle, this means that all members must be present. In normal cases, the parties ensure that if a party has one member absent due to illness, service or funeral, another party on the opposing side ensures that one of their members is also absent. This is done in order to maintain the balance of power between the parties based on election results and the distribution of seats.

But face especially important votes, a party may request a set-off ban. Then no agreements apply and no absence is valid.

This means that members cannot be set off against each other. It has happened that seriously ill members have been wheeled into a wheelchair to join. However, the Green Party’s member Maria Gardfjell has been granted an exemption from participating in Wednesday’s vote because she fell ill with covid. The balance is maintained by a KD member not participating either.

In order for the government to get through the new budget proposal with the pension agreement, which is also supported by the Green Party, the Left Party and the Center Party, it is required that all their 173 members vote for it, and that the former left-wing party member Amineh Kakabaveh does so.

The Moderates, the Christian Democrats, the Liberals and the Sweden Democrats have 173 votes for their counter-proposal and their own pension proposal. Last time, the former Sweden Democrat, now party-free, Roger Richthoff also supported them.

Amineh Kakabaveh did not want to say how she will vote, or if she will abstain. If there is a tie, the matter will be referred back to the Finance Committee and then taken up again for a vote.
