Party wants to stop Eurovision in Switzerland 2025: “Satanism”

Ireland’s “satanic” show numbers became too much for right-wing populists EDU.
The Swiss party has collected over 4,000 signatures for a vote to cut tax funding for the music competition, reports The Times.

Last year, non-binary Nemo claimed Switzerland’s first Eurovision victory since 1988, when the winner was Celine Dion.

With the win, next year’s competition will be held in Basel – but the Protestant and right-wing populist party EDU has other plans.

“Destructive Ideas”

According to party leader Daniel Frischknecht, Eurovision is about spreading Satanism, blasphemy and “destructive ideas such as the third sex”, writes The Times. He also describes the competition as a “propaganda platform for homosexuals” and highlights the Irish entry “Doomsday Blue” as a clear element of “Satanism”.

Therefore, they want to stop Basel from hosting the competition next year. The party says it has collected over 4,000 signatures for a regional vote on whether taxpayers should help finance Eurovision. According to Swiss law, 2,000 signatures are enough for such a petition to be held.

It is unlikely that the proposal will pass

But for the Swiss Eurovision fans, there is reassuring news. According to The Times, EDU’s two out of a total of 200 seats in the parliament mean minimal chances for such a proposal to go through.

A loan of 37.5 million euros, equivalent to 430 million kroner, to finance the competition was voted through with a clear majority in September, writes Bluewin.
