Party makeup: these stupid mistakes can lead to the emergency room

Party makeup these stupid mistakes can lead to the emergency

During the holidays, we like to treat ourselves with (shiny) makeup. But be careful: “Certain products should really be avoided because they are dangerous for the eyes” warns Dr. Nawel Amar.

If there’s one time of year when we can indulge in makeup, it’s during the end-of-year holidays. Whatever the age, from 7 to 77, women all enjoy make their lips, eyes, cheeks shine to sparkle with a thousand lights among the guests. Attention all the same, warns Dr. Nawel Amar, ophthalmologist and oculoplastician at theNational Vision Hospital of 15-20 from Paris. Every year, women finish their Christmas Eve or New Year’s Day to EMERGENCIES because of’stupid mistakes they could have avoided. To protect yourself, here is the advice from this eye specialist.

  1. We don’t make up their eyes Quickly : The eyes are sensitive and should be applied gently. You don’t start your makeup at 7:15 p.m. if you’re invited at 7:30 p.m. No, we anticipate in order to avoid the accident: “With mascara for example, this has happened to all of us at least once. take the brush in the eye and that hurts” comments our interlocutor. Not considering the eye cries so you have to remove your makeup and to start all over, wasted time! So we take our time. “For women who are starting to no longer see well, it is necessary use a magnifying and illuminated mirror to reduce the risk of accidental injury eyes” also recommends Dr. Amar.
  2. Do not buy glitter that is rigid or too big for the eyes : “I saw them again today when I went to a big store that sells makeup” wonders Dr. Amar. “Sequins are nice but it’s better to settle for iridescent eyeshadows. I have seen little stiff glitters sold for eyes. If they enter the eye, we’re going to rub and we’re going to be forced to go to the emergency room to have it/them removed. Likewise, you should avoid large glitter because it can also get into the eye. It’s like a foreign body with the risk that the glitter is embedded in the corneaand the cornea is 500 times more sensitive than skin.You imagine ? If you have a glitter in your eye “it’s necessary rinse the eye thoroughly with water or physiological serum but above all, don’t rub.” Any pain that does not disappear due to a foreign body should lead to the Emergency Department.
  3. Avoid putting eyeliner inside the eye: “The eyeliner pencil can run. If it is applied to the white line at the free edge of the eyelid (at the bottom, editor’s note), it can cause inflammation and chalazions because behind there are the meibomian glandslocated in the thickness of the eyelids which can get clogged warns the oculoplastician who advises instead to “put it in the outer line, near the eyelashes”.
  4. We avoid waterproof makeup : it is practical because it lasts a long time and resists tears but waterproof makeup must remain exceptional. “Waterproof is good for going to the pool but it’s a makeup difficult to remove, we tear out his eyes and even the eyelashes to remove it. It should be used extremely rarely. insists Dr. Amar.
  5. We don’t reuse last year’s eyeshadow where we check expiration date : we never think about it but makeup expires. There is an expiry date on each product, to check before using them again. “Expired makeup can be bacteria carrier, warns the oculoplastician. It should not be used.”
  6. We remove our makeup (really): makeup removal should not be sloppy. “When we come home from a party, we are tired, we don’t remove our makeup quickly and we fall asleep with makeup on. This can lead to eye irritations if the pigments of the products come into contact with the conjunctiva of the eye explains Dr. Amar. The next morning, the white of the eye is redthe eyes painful… The best ? “Use a gentle biphasic as it removes all the pigment” concludes the specialist.

Thanks to Dr Nawel Amar, oculoplastician at the National Hospital of 15-20 in Paris.
