St. Joseph’s Health Care London is expanding the reach of its sexual assault program, partnering with the Oxford County Community Health Center to bring follow-up care for survivors closer to home.

St. Joseph’s Health Care London is expanding the reach of its sexual assault program, partnering with the Oxford County Community Health Center to bring follow-up care for survivors closer to home.
The regional sexual assault and domestic violence treatment program at St. Joseph’s is providing consultation, training and support to the Oxford County initiative, giving sexual assault complainants the chance to receive in-depth aftercare without the need to travel to London.
“One of the great things about our program is we offer follow-up care. It’s not just that initial appointment, then someone is left alone in their healing journey,” said Cassandra Fisher, co-ordinator of the St. Joseph’s sexual assault program.
“But, if someone is living in Oxford County, that can be eight to 10 appointments where they’re having to drive back and forth to London. This partnership allows them to have that follow-up care in their own community.”
The sexual assault program at the Oxford County Community Health Center has been running for about a year, said Laura McCreery, sexual assault therapist and program co-ordinator.
While the Oxford County program already provides wrap-around support to sexual assault complainants, including psychotherapy and advocacy, the partnership with St. Joseph’s enhances its offerings and reduces barriers for clients.
“For people in Oxford County interested in accessing follow-up care, like documentation of injuries, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment or specialized acute follow-up care, they have had to go to London,” McCreery said Monday.
“This is a huge barrier for people in Woodstock. It means they have to go to the care that they require. This partnership brings the care to the people who need it. We’re flipping the script.”
The specialized program at St. Joseph’s provides care and support to women, children and men who have experienced sexual assault, sexual abuse or domestic violence.
The St. Joseph’s program, which has a team of specialized nurses, doctors and social workers, runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is the only one in the region that offers forensic evidence collection to patients.
Oxford County residents who come forward seeking forensic evidence collection will still need to travel to London for that appointment, Fisher said. All their follow-up, which can last for approximately six months following the initial intake, can take place in Oxford County.
“Follow-up care can absolutely happen within a primary-care setting. We were able to have those conversations and think through what this would look like, and what barriers it would decrease, in Oxford County,” Fisher said.
The St. Joseph’s program saw approximately 2,400 patients last year from London, Middlesex, Elgin, Oxford and Perth counties.
The new partnership with the Oxford County Community Health Center’s sexual assault program could be the first of many for the St. Joseph’s program, Fisher said.
“Outreach and providing care outside of our hospital walls has been a priority for our program,” Fisher said.
“Our hope truly is that the success of this partnership will allow for other community health centers to reach out and form this type of partnership so we can offer this in all of our regional areas.”
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