Participation rate in the European elections: the French more mobilized in 2024?

Participation rate in the European elections the French more mobilized

Have the French responded to the call to vote for the European elections on June 9? Will the vote usually shunned by voters be marked by strong abstention or by increased participation?

51.78% is the score announced by the Ministry of the Interior concerning the participation rate in the European elections. A figure up slightly compared to 2019, which confirms the trend seen throughout the day. At 5 p.m., 45.25% of people registered on the electoral lists had already participated according to figures communicated by the Ministry of the Interior, a figure up compared to 2019. In 2019, 50.12% of voters had slipped a ballot. ballot in the ballot box at the end of the day. Contrary to these first figures, the results of the polls published until the last day of the campaign counted on a slightly lower participation, or at most equivalent in the most optimistic cases, estimated between 44 and 47%.

War in Ukraine but also national issues, questions about purchasing power, duel between the RN and Emmanuel Macron, there were many subjects on the table and visibly pushed the French to turn out to vote more than expected by the institutes survey. Will it be the same on June 30 and July 7? As a reminder, the announcement of the results of these European elections was followed by a speech by Emmanuel Macron, announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly and therefore the upcoming holding of legislative elections with a first round on June 30 followed by the second tour a week later, on July 7. The French are therefore called to the polls again in the coming weeks.
