Participants in Elon Musk’s Twitter survey: Sell your $21 billion stake in Tesla

Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO and one of the richest business people in the world, asked his 62.6 million followers on Twitter whether he should sell 10 percent of the company’s shares.

In the poll, in which more than 3.5 million Twitter users voted, approximately 58 percent of users voted for Musk to sell his Tesla shares.

In the poll, which closed on Sunday night, followers could click “Yes” or “No” to play.

According to the results of the survey, Musk, who promised to sell his shares, opposes the “billionaire tax” proposed by some politicians from the Democratic Party in the USA.

He also shares this objection in his Twitter message.

If the proposal becomes law, Musk, like many billionaires in the country, will have to pay a very serious tax.

Tesla executive Musk owns a stake worth more than $200 billion in the company. It is estimated that this wealth will grow even more with new operations planned for the next year. However, in this case, if the proposed law is passed, it will mean a very serious tax payment for Musk.

In another post he made on Saturday, Musk said, “Note that I don’t get cash salaries or bonuses from anyone. I only have stock, so all I can do to pay taxes is sell my stock.”

If the proposal becomes law, it will greatly affect about 700 billionaires in the United States.

Recently, Musk announced that he could sell $6 billion of Tesla shares and donate to the World Food Program if the organization gave more information about how the organization spent the money.

The survey, launched by Musk on Twitter, created surprise in the financial world. “We’re witnessing the crowds on Twitter deciding on a $25 billion coin flip,” said Venture investor Chamath Palihapitiya.

“I look forward to the day when the world’s richest person paying a little bit of tax isn’t due to a Twitter poll,” said economist Gabriel Zucman of Berkeley.

