part of the population virulently demonstrates

after the end of Operation Wuambushu difficulties remain resources are

Road blockages, blockages, economy at a standstill, schools closed, in Mayotte, part of the population is demonstrating virulently. She denounces migratory pressure, calls into question a refugee camp, but also denounces a situation deemed unfair with different access to law in Mayotte and in mainland France. As a symbol, the demonstrators gathered on Tuesday February 6 in Mamoudzou notably attempted to enter the court before going around the Cavani camp. A tense situation, reminiscent of the social crisis of 2018.

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An appeal launched by a new collective called the Forces Vives. Among them, Safina Soula, figure of the citizens’ collective of 2018 said: “ Our demands are in relation to this immigrant camp which has been set up in a football stadium for several weeks already and which we are demanding, quite simply, to be dismantled unconditionally and for the State to take charge. »

However, the dismantling has started well, recalls the prefecture. Two hundred people were evacuated, 40 to France, but it is necessary to be able to temporarily relocate them to complete the procedure and this was prevented by the demonstrators, specifies the administration.

Read alsoMayotte: after the end of Operation Wuambushu, difficulties remain, resources are still lacking

Zakia, a Mahorese mother and anthropologist, supports the movement and refutes accusations of xenophobia. “ Mayotte has become, since 2011, a French department, but as many say, apparently, it is an empty shell. We do not have the same votes as the French departments. This is precisely what the Mahorais are demanding, the same social rights as the other French departments. »

Because here, there is no APL or birth bonus, the RSA is halved compared to mainland France and the minimum wage is also lower. Another particularity is the territorialization of residence permits which prohibits their holder from leaving Mayotte, a measure that the various stakeholders agree to want to eliminate.
