Parsonage-Turner syndrome, a possible side effect of the Covid-19 vaccine?

Parsonage Turner syndrome a possible side effect of the Covid 19 vaccine

Until now, the vast majority of adverse effects from Covid-19 vaccines have been expected and not serious. In recent days, cases of Parsonage-Turner syndrome have been reported following injections of doses of the Pfizer-bioNTech vaccine. What is it about ? Is the vaccine really involved?

Since the start of the campaign vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) regularly publishes updates on the monitoring of vaccines against Covid-19. This is to monitor in real time the vaccine safety profile. This is called pharmacovigilance. the latest went live on April 5, 2022 and door over the period from February 25 to March 10, 2022. He mentions a new serious but very rare potential adverse reaction to vaccines called the syndrome by Parsonage-Turner.

What is it about ?

the Parsonage–Turner syndromeor amyotrophic neuralgia of the shoulder, consists of the sudden appearance of a pain violent shoulder. It may be followed by a decrease or loss of muscle strength, or even paralysis of the arm. It results from a inflammation of the brachial plexus, a set of nerves located between the shoulder and the clavicle. A MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is necessary to confirm the diagnostic.

The causes of this pathology are misunderstood. The treatment is essentially symptomatic. It includes painkillers and possibly corticosteroids in the acute phase. If the damage goes as far as paralysis of the arm, rehabilitation is necessary. Patients usually recover within a few months. In 75% of them, the healing is complete after two years. Nevertheless, the sequels where the recurrences are possible.

Is the vaccine involved?

Several cases (n=25) have been reported in France following the injection of a dose of vaccine against Covid-19. While nearly 110 million injections have been performed in France since the start of the campaign, the number of cases of Parsonage-Turner syndrome is extremely low. Seven cases occurred after the 1D dose, 14 after the 2and dose and 4 after the booster dose. Of the 25 cases, 9 cases are recovered or in the process of recovery, 14 are not recovered, one is recovered with sequelae and the information is not known in one case “.

While cases have already been reported after vaccines against flu, cases were also identified after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. For the moment, the ANSM concludes that the ” role of the vaccine cannot be excluded and that these are potential signals “. She wishes ” a European review of all cases in order to be able to decide on the imputability of the vaccine. At this stage, the benefits of the vaccine therefore remain well above its potential drawbacks.

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