Parliament rejects 2023 elections despite protests, two ministers resign

Parliament rejects 2023 elections despite protests two ministers resign

Since Pedro Castillo’s failed coup and his dismissal more than a week ago, the mobilizations have not stopped. At least 18 people, including minors, have died in protests, according to the health ministry.

This assessment led the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Education to resign on Friday, reports our correspondent in Lima, Juliette Chaignon. They only stayed in power for a week. On social networks, the Minister of Culture mentioned a position to the government “ unsustainable “, in front of ” the irreparable loss of brothers and sisters » Peruvians.

Several preliminary investigations into the deaths of protesters have been opened, according to the prosecution. Thursday, in Ayacucho, in the center of the country, was particularly shocking. Seven protesters were killed that day and fifty were injured.

The Defender of Peoples is concerned about the use of tear gas dropped by helicopters and live ammunition. ” Peru must end violence against children during protests and investigate it urged the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

In recent days, in the country, around fifteen public buildings have also been set on fire by demonstrators whose main demand is the dissolution of Congress. Several human rights defense associations are therefore calling on the government and Congress to resolve crisis.

constituent Assembly »

On the political side, the deputies rejected for the first time the possibility of advancing the elections to December 2023. Other debates are to come, but the new president Dina Boluarte is in a difficult situation.

The next step is the resignation of Dina Boluarte, and a democratic transition “, Estimates the left-wing deputy Ruth Luque who abstained, specifying that she preferred a referendum on a “ constituent Assembly “. ” Ms Boluarte must resign due to death toll “, estimated the centrist deputy Susel Paredes, who voted for.

The president convened Friday for the second time in less than three days the Council of State, which includes the heads of the three powers: executive, legislative and judicial, while the demonstrations continued in particular in Arequipa (south), Huancayo ( center), Cuzco (south-east), Ayacucho (south) or Puno (Bolivian border).

5,000 tourists »

Five airports were still closed on Friday in the south of the country, Andahuaylas, Arequipa, Puno, Ayacucho and Cuzco, the country’s tourist capital. The latter reopened in the early afternoon. This allowed the start of the evacuation of stranded tourists, according to images released by the Ministry of Defense.

And in the morning, Darwin Baca, mayor of Machu Picchu, told AFP that ” 5,000 tourists were blocked in Cuzco. Several hundred are on the site itself, according to the municipality.

The army will send a helicopter on Saturday which will ensure four humanitarian flights for the transfer of tourists from Machu Picchu to Cuzco, according to a source from the municipality who specifies that priority will be given to families with ” children and vulnerable people “.
