Parliament definitively adopts the first set of measures on purchasing power

Parliament definitively adopts the first set of measures on purchasing

Parliament definitively approved this Wednesday, August 3, the first part of the package of measures in favor of purchasing power, after pledges given to the Les Républicains party.

First large piece of the mandate, this “emergency” text, which carries a total of 20 billion euros in expenditure, was largely validated in the National Assembly by 395 votes in favor, those of the majority, of the deputies Les Républicains and Rassemblement national. The elected La France insoumise defended in vain a motion to reject a text, according to them of ” regression “, which favors in particular bonuses rather than general salary increases. In the process, the Senate dominated by the right gave its imprimatur to this bill, the subject of a compromise between the two chambers, by 245 votes against 27 and 72 abstentions. Here too, the left did not provide support.

4% increase in retirement pensions and several allowances with retroactive effect from July 1, 2022, capping the increase in rents at 3.5% in France, and again tripling the ceiling of the Macron bonus that can be paid by employers are programmed. In a rare unanimity, the deputies added to the package of measures the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance (AAH), a provision refused by the government during the previous legislature.

Cap on the increase in commercial rents for SMEs

The Senate has left its mark, by capping the increase in commercial rents for SMEs at 3.5% for one year. And in the direction desired by LR, companies with 20 to 250 employees will be able to see their employer contributions reduced by 50 centimes per additional hour worked. In addition, the bill facilitates the restarting of coal-fired power plants and creates a derogatory regime to accelerate the supply of gas through a floating LNG terminal, to the chagrin of environmentalists.

This text will be supplemented by the end of the week by the rectified draft budget for 2022, which includes the continuation of the fuel bonus, the revaluation of the index point for civil servants and the abolition of the audiovisual license fee in particular.

This examination was a test for the new “method” of seeking compromise advocated by the executive, deprived of an absolute majority in the Assembly since June. In fact, the spotlight was given to the proposals of the LRs, and the socialists, who abstained, had a good game of criticizing a ” co-management “even a” collusion of the executive with these parliamentarians.

► To listen too : In the French Parliament, “the right finds itself as a lawmaker”

(With AFP)
