Parkslide must have spread from the church land to the homeowners’ lake plot

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The parkslide plant is difficult to handle and the property owner worries about what will happen to his lake plot and its value. He also worries that the species will spread to neighbors. Something like Smålandsposten be the first to tell.

According to Smålandsposten, the property owner has previously demanded that the church should take measures to combat park slip on its land to limit the risk of spreading, but after repeated contacts with the diocese’s property management, he should have turned to Växjö municipality.

Politics has reasoned the same

However, Växjö municipality considered that the spread of the plant did not cause major problems for the property owner. According to Smålandsposten, the County Administrative Board of Kronorberg and the Land and Environmental Court have reasoned in a similar way.

Higher court

The property owner and his legal representative believe that the efforts did not take into account the spread of the park slide. Therefore, they are now making an attempt to bring the case to the highest court, the Supreme Land and Environmental Court.

SVT Nyheter Småland has been in contact with the homeowner who wants the church to fight the park slide. However, the homeowner does not want to leave any further comments.
