Parkinson’s disease: augmented reality glasses to help move

Parkinsons disease augmented reality glasses to help move

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  • Posted 2 days ago,

    Reading 1 min.

    For several years, the Scottish company GaitAR has been working on the design of visual tracking systems for people with Parkinson’s disease. And the result is not the least: GaitAR has succeeded in developing a pair of augmented reality glasses, which will be marketed from next summer.

    As a reminder, Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the destruction of a specific population of neurons involved in the control of movements. However, these glasses incorporate Activelook augmented reality technology, developed by the French company Microoled, intended to help patients move around.

    A visual cue for better balance

    These glasses actually help to set up a visual cue to help patients move correctly, without losing their balance. The glasses thus project into the field of vision of the user a “marker pen”in order to indicate the trajectory to follow, as well as a visual cue in the form of a hologram appearing at a distance of 3m in front of him, in order to improve his posture and his balance.

    This is the augmented reality version of a proven method of tracing a path on the ground in front of the patient using markers, usually pieces of adhesive tape, which stimulate the brain, create dopamine and take part in helping him to walk as correctly as possible.

    A pre-study has already been conducted by Robert Gordon University, in Aberdeen, Scotland, with people with Parkinson’s disease. Five of the seven participants said they perceived improvements after wearing these glasses, particularly in terms of balance and therefore confidence.

    In addition to improving the movement of sick people, these glasses are also intended to help them maintain an active social life, by getting them out of their homes in safety.

    Pre-orders are already open on GaitAR’s websitewhile the glasses should be released in the summer of 2022, at a price of 2000 pounds, the equivalent of nearly 2400 euros.

    Discover the tests carried out to develop these glasses in video.
