Parkinson’s disease: an association warns about the shortage of drugs

Parkinsons disease an association warns about the shortage of drugs

  • News
  • Posted on 10/16/2020

    1 min read

    Several essential drugs for patients with Parkinson’s disease are insufficiently stocked. The France Parkinson association is sounding the alarm.

    France Parkinson launches the alert. To fight against drug shortage, the association asks the authorities that the decree in preparation concerning the obligation to constitute minimum stocks for drugs of major therapeutic interest, extends the minimum duration of stocks to 4 months.

    “For many months we have indeed observed increasing difficulties encountered by people with Parkinson’s to stock up on essential drugs”, denounces the association in a press release. This is the case, for example, for Entacapone (comtan), Sinemet and Pramipexole (Sifrol).

    A lack of anticipation on the part of the pharmaceutical industries

    “In addition, the many molecules that make up the range of possible treatments are reduced as a result of stresses / ruptures. In some cases, treatment cannot be initiated with the correct molecules, or must be postponed. We can observe a lower effectiveness of the treatment Where the occurrence of side effects that could be avoided ”, she adds, lamenting that ruptures or tensions are reported by patients and not by the ANSM.

    In addition, France Parkinson regrets the absence of sanctions against industries who lack anticipation. She asks:

    • “That the decree being prepared by the government obliges the pharmaceutical industries to build up security stocks corresponding to 4 months of needs coverage for drugs of major therapeutic interest as defined in article L5111-4 of the public health code;
    • That the application texts to come maintain the will to protect patients expressed by national representation;
    • That sanctions provided for by law are systematically applied when laboratories do not meet all of their obligations. ”

    Note that in this particular pandemic context, the Covid-19 virus reduces social ties and the possibility of physical activity. Which increases “The physical and psychological fragility of sick people suffering from Parkinson’s”.

