The reduction in the presence of the car in cities and competition from public parking lots influence the profitability of parking spaces. Here’s how to choose to make this type of placement grow.
The return on investment in parking lots has been declining since the early 2000s. Local communities opened many public car parks and their public transport policies reduce the place of the car in urban areas. Thus, in big cities like Paris, The inhabitants of the central districts sometimes prefer to take taxis To circulate inside the city, and rent for their weekend in the provinces, a car leaving the TGV or the plane. Immediate consequence: The number of places available increases And demand decreases, leading mechanically, the drop in prices for parking spaces.
Conduct your market study
Despite this difficult context, good deals still exist on this market. If it is difficult to establish an average price between underground parking lots, outdoors, or in closed boxes, prices generally vary from 10,000 euros to more than 30,000 euros, depending on demand.
More than ever, you have to engage in an ant work in order to find the right location. Among the criteria to meet to make sure you make a good investment, look for a parking space in the first basement, Rather than in the lower levels. Check height and width To take into account the evolution of the template of cars and the growth in the number of 4×4 in the city centers. This thoroughness will not be in vain.
In addition, as far as possible, trybuy The places closest to the outcome and outings of the parking lot. They do not stay too long without a tenant. Thus, by having a location capable of accommodating any vehicle, you can get a better price and especially a profitability of up to 10 % over a year.
As often in real estate, it is preferable to invest in sure values: the center of cities can constitute a place of choice. The price of places are found at much higher levels compared to the outskirts of cities. In addition, public car parks are difficult to build. And then it is possible to Rent the place for two users. For example: the day merchant, and the resident in the evening, night and weekends.
Which is not the case in Citadin suburbs. There bad pickaxe would be to target them, with in particular the arrival of new districts. The rhythms of life were not built in the same way. And then, the new real estate complexes largely integrate the new behaviors of motorists.
If it is an offices complex, find out about the parking capacity compared to the number of people who will come to work. If this number is limited and access to public transport a little distant, then investment in a parking lot could prove profitable.
Take precautions
Finally, in order to secureit is advisable to sign a writing, even if the latter is not compulsory. This will allow you to set the conditions for the payment of a guarantee and rent deposit. But also, why not, to provide a clause ofindexing of the amount of rent to the evolution of the request. Also note that the length of the lease and the price of the rent are fixed freely. And the possibility of giving leave can occur at each deadline without any reason.
Optimize taxation
There taxation retained for parking lots is that property income. In other words, if the gross rents that you receive in the year are less than 15,000 euros, you have the choice between the actual diet and the micro-foncier diet. The latter gives you the right to a flat -rate reduction of 30 %. The option for the real regime, it allows you to deduct from the amount of rents, all the charges related to housing and assumed in 2007. It’s up to you to make the right choice! On the other hand, if your income is greater than 15,000 euros, it is the real regime which will apply automatically.
Finally, have in mind that parking lots, in the same way as all immediate dependencies of a home, are subject to housing tax. You must pay it every year, its amount varying according to the establishment municipality. Therefore, find out about the value of this tax in the town you are targeting.