Parking policy Amersfoort recipe for an evening full of criticism: ‘A problem is being solved that does not exist’

Parking policy Amersfoort recipe for an evening full of criticism

Until 2040, the municipality wants to gradually move towards paid parking throughout the city of Amersfoort, all industrial estates and the villages of Hoogland and Hooglanderveen.

The main points in that plan are:
– In new housing estates, a parking standard of 0.2 cars per household applies. Which equates to one car for every five houses.
– So-called hubs will be created in the neighborhoods and around the city, where the second or third car can be parked. Partial mobility is also provided, so that people can use alternative transport to the city.
– The municipality will encourage the use of bicycles, public transport or shared transport to get people out of their cars.
– The first permit will also remain possible in the future, but in the long run the municipality wants to significantly reduce the issue of permits for a second or third car.

This plan should solve the parking problems in the city and at the same time is intended to make the city a lot greener.
