Paris-Nice live: stage 5 live | Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert – Saint-Sauveur-de-Montagut

Paris Nice live stage 5 live Saint Just Saint Rambert Saint Sauveur de Montagut

Rain of dropouts in Paris-Nice

Up to 18 riders have not started in this fifth stage of Paris-Nice: Nils Politt, Amaury Capiot, Gino Mäder, Matteo Trentin, Clément Champoussin, Yves Lampaert, Zdenek Stybar, Dylan Groenewegen, Kevin Vermaercke, Stefan Bisseger, Jens Keukeleire, Neilson Powless, Carl Fredrik Hagem, James Piccoli, Tom Van Asbroeck, Jonas Rickaert, Kristian Sbaragli, and Jay Vine. All of them due to sinusitis, fever or the result of the falls of the second stage, the day of the fans.
