Fair volunteer wins top award

The Paris Fair is among the best events in Ontario, and they even have the volunteers to prove it.
Sean Chase, a Paris Agricultural Society board member, was named Volunteer of the Year by Festivals and Events Ontario at its annual conference earlier in March.
“I was surprised I got it, actually,” said the 48-year-old program chair who books grandstand shows and daily entertainment at the annual Paris Fair. “I have (volunteered) since I was in diapers, probably. My grandpa (Jim Buck) used to be the manager until he passed away.”
Chase also looks after the monster truck show in July.
“I enjoy it. It’s in my family and that’s what pulls me back in the most,” he shared. “It’s what I love doing, and they’re a great group to be involved with.”
The Paris Fair also made the list of the Top 100 Festivals and Events in the province.
“I think it’s pretty fantastic,” said Amy Warner, general manager of the PAS. “It helps that we run as a 12-month-a-year business, not just the five days of the fair. It keeps our volunteers involved all year around.”
In addition to the Paris Fair that runs up to the Labor Day weekend, the PAS also puts on a super-pull (tractor pull) event in June, and a monster truck show in July.
“We have a volunteer reception night in April that re-engages volunteers after the winter and is a great way to start the season off,” Warner noted. “We could not be here without the volunteers. Our local community of people are very invested in it.”
St. George Apple Fest earned a spot on the Top 100 list for the eighth time.
“This award belongs to all of our wonderful volunteers and recognizes all the hard work they put in to making this such an outstanding event,” said Jean Tucker, Festival co-ordinator.
“Approximately 27,000 people attend the event over the two days resulting in a substantial economic boost for the St. George area.
“Everyone enjoys the small-town vibe, the unique vendors, and of course the apples.”
Profits from the festival are put back into the community.
Donations were made in 2022 to the South Dumfries Historical Society, and Scouts Canada MedVent Group that provides first aid coverage for Apple Fest.
The Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show, Eat and Drink Norfolk, and the Waterford Lions Pumpkinfest were also included in the Top 100 Festivals and Events.
Angela Hogeveen, general manager of the Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show, said it’s an honor to be recognized at the provincial level.
“We’ve been lucky enough to be recognized for over 20 years for the fair, and for Eat and Drink Norfolk since its inception (in 2010),” she said. “We’re amongst good company in some of the best events Ontario has to offer.
Eat and Drink Norfolk takes place April 13 to 15, 2023.
This year’s event has an added after party in a heated and lit pavilion adjacent to The Aud that will increase capacity and offer a live DJ and dancing on Friday.
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