Paris Court of Appeal examines arrest warrant against Assad

Paris Court of Appeal examines arrest warrant against Assad

The Paris Court of Appeal must examine this Wednesday, May 15, the validity of the arrest warrant issued by French judges against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, accused of complicity in crimes against humanity for chemical attacks in Syria in 2013.

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Last November, the investigating judges had issued arrest warrants against three senior dignitaries of the Syrian regime and against the president for their alleged roles in chemical attacks. If the national anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office, competent in matters of crimes against humanity, issued requisitions in favor of the warrants concerning the three dignitaries, it appealed against the one aimed at Bashar al-Assad. The investigating chamber must examine the request to cancel this warrant this Wednesday.

Is the personal immunity enjoyed by heads of state in office absolute or can there be exceptions? This is the question asked of the magistrates. For the national anti-terrorist prosecution, “ it is estimated until now, unanimously » that the exceptions to this impunity are “ reserved for the sole benefit of international jurisdictions “, such as the International Criminal Court, and not to the courts of foreign countries.

Without calling into question the existence of elements demonstrating the involvement of Bashar al-Assad in the chemical attacks committed in August 2013 » explained the PNAT to AFP, the mandate which targets the Syrian president poses “ a fundamental legal question ” Who ” must be decided by a higher court “.

Read alsoChemical attacks in 2013 in Syria: French justice issues an arrest warrant against Bashar al-Assad

Persistent impunity for these crimes only perpetuates the cycle of violence »

For their part, around sixty NGOs and associations, several of which are civil parties in this case, “ strongly oppose » to this challenge to the arrest warrant, which according to them, “ hinders the extraordinary efforts of victims and survivors seeking justice “.

It is now time to question the personal immunity of the current head of state regarding international crimes “, because “ persistent impunity for these crimes only perpetuates the cycle of violence » believes this collective. He ” calls on France to send a firm message to the world: the use of chemical weapons is prohibited and all perpetrators of these crimes will be brought to justice “.
