Paris calls on Ankara to distinguish the PKK from the Kurdish community

In the spotlight the hostage policy of the Iranian mullahs

The head of French diplomacy Catherine Colonna invited Ankara to distinguish the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), considered a terrorist organization by Turkey and the European Union, from the Kurdish community, the ministry said.

Catherine Colonna spoke on the phone Thursday with her Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, a week after the murder in Paris of three Kurds attributed to a sixty-something claiming a racist act. Ankara had summoned the French ambassador to Turkey.

According to the press release from the Quai d’Orsay, Ms. Colonna has “ recalled that the PKK, registered on the European list of terrorist organizations, should be distinguished from other non-violent Kurdish movements “, also emphasizing” France’s attachment to freedom of the press and freedom of expression “. The minister also underlined the odious character of the December 23 attack.

black propaganda of the PKK, according to Ankara

She assured her counterpart “ that additional measures had been taken to ensure the security of the places where the Kurdish community gathers ” and “ the protection of Turkish diplomatic rights throughout the national territory had been enhanced “. No details have been communicated on these measures, announced previously by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

During this bilateral meeting, Mr. Cavusoglu denounced “ black propaganda launched by circles linked to the PKK and other Turkish Kurdish organizations, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ankara. He also rebelled against the appearance of French politicians in front of photos of terrorists and rags from the terrorist organization (the PKK, editor’s note) “, believing that” such propaganda activities should not be allowed “. Bilateral relations between Paris and Ankara are strained on multiple issues, including Turkey’s role within NATO, Syria, the Eastern Mediterranean and migrants.

►Also read: Report France – The fears and doubts of the Kurdish community in France after the attack in Paris

(With AFP)
