Paris 2024 Paralympic Games: Better media coverage of parasport

Paris 2024 Paralympic Games Better media coverage of parasport

As the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games draw to a close, has the media coverage of parasport in France reached a new level? The Media Workshop discusses it with Laurence Pécaut-Rivolier, member of the Arcom college.

Within the French audiovisual regulatory authority, Laurence Pecaut-Rivolier chairs the working group “Protection of the public and diversity of French society”.

At the microphone of The Media Workshopshe draws up an initial assessment of the media coverage of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. She also describes the work carried out in advance, with the media, so that they do what is necessary to ” highlighting everything that is diversity and representation of a complete France » during the event.

Subtitling, oralization (or vocalization), sign language: Laurence Pécaut-Rivolier also explains the need to promote initiatives in terms of accessibility. Since we have no power to sanction, we cannot act on editorialization. So all we could do is tell them: “We are behind you and everything you do, we will value it with you.”

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