Paris 1 – Province 588: Bodin’s at the cinema, a success that speaks volumes

Paris 1 Province 588 Bodins at the cinema a

In this episode of La Loupe, Céline Delbecque, journalist in the Société de L’Express department, analyzes the French box office and explains to us why certain films almost ignored in Paris are a hit in theaters in the rest of France.


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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation), Mathias Penguilly (writing), Léa Bertrand (editing) and Jules Krot (production).

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon / Studio Torrent

Image credits: Cheyenne Studio / M6 Films / SND / Studio Exception

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain / Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.

Charlotte Baris: 589… This figure was Céline Delbecque, journalist in the Société de L’Express department, who told me about it… I know that she worked for a long time on an article that deals with cinema and that’s good ! She’s already in the studio to tell us about it…

For further

Films from Paris vs films from the rest of France: when spectators watch films separately

Strike in Hollywood: towards a way out of the crisis for screenwriters

From “Miraculous” to “Super Mario”: how French animated cinema conquered the planet
