Parents-to-be beware! Here is the effect of smoking on sperm

Parents to be beware Does smoking harm sperm

Cigarette consumption also has negative effects on the production system. These adverse effects have increased in the last 30 years. Experts emphasize that individuals who want to have children should stay away from smoking. Smoking can reduce the number of sperm, as well as damage sperm DNA and cause hereditary effects.


The negative effect of cigarette consumption on sperm is of interest to prospective parents. The negative effect of smoking on sperm disappears 3 months after quitting smoking.

In addition, smoking can be the cause of infertility from time to time. There are many couples who do not have children, but who have succeeded by quitting smoking.

Parents-to-be beware!  Does smoking harm sperm?

At the same time, people who will undergo IVF treatment should stop smoking at least 3 months before the treatment. Smoking should be stopped to maintain quality sperm count. Cigarettes contain harmful substances.

Parents-to-be beware!  Does smoking harm sperm?

Moreover, smoking makes it difficult for couples who want to have children to have a baby naturally.
