Parents Irked, but day 1 of classes will be a pa day again anyway

Pa days have been a sore spot for some parents for several years, with mayry citing the difficulty in finding child care.

London’s Two Biggest School Boards have approved A School Calendar that included The First Day of Being A Professional Activity Day for Teachers, Despite Parents Voicing Opposition in One Recent Survey.

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The Trend Toward Having No Classes On The Official Opening Day of the School Year continues at the London-Based Thames Valley District School Board in 2025-26 After Trustees Approved Wednesday Sept. 3 As the First Day Stuents Will expect, Rather than the traditional day after labour day.

The London District Catholic School Board Passed the Same Academic Calendar on Monday.

A Survey on the Thames Valley School Board Website About Pa Days Drew More Than 2,000 Responsses, included 600 with comments. As a Staff Report Noteud: “The Most mentioned suggestions Were that pa days Should not be Scheduled on the Day Following Labour Day.”

On pa Days, also Known as Professional Development (PD) Days, Stay Home While Teachers is waiting for workshops.

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The Majority of the Survey responds were parents or caregivers, the reported. At a tunesday meeting of Thames Valley Trustees, some expressly concern about Voices Parent.

“This (The Opening-School Pa Day) Started During Covid When the (Education) Minister Said you have to have one to go over all the Health Protocols and Things that Had changed,” Said Trustee Lori-Ann Pizzolato. “I Just Think (If) All Those People who Said they do that Like that day (Being a pa Day) Came in and presented public input, we would be here for days.”

The vote to approve the school-opening pa day was not unanimous Among Thames Valley Trustees. BOARD Officials SAY Each TRUSTEES VOTION IS ONLY Recorded If so Requested – OtherWise A Matter is recorded as eith adopted or not.

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Interim Education Director Bill Tucker Said There’s Historically Always Been A pa Day in September, and it used to be the Friday of the First Week. Teachers and principals, he noted, felt that “interrupted the flow” of the return to school “in terms of establishing routines and expectations.”

Other suggestion from the Survey:

  • Pa days should be scheuduled before or after statory Holidays
  • The Number of Pa Days Should be reduced
  • Pa days should be scheuduled on mondays Intetead of Fridays

Pa days have been a sore spot for some parents for several years, with mayry citing the difficulty in finding child care.

A Thames Valley Union President has previously Said Contract Language Plays a Factor in When pa Days can be Scheduled.

In Total, Teachers Will Get Seven Professional Activity Days throughout the 2025-26 School Year. Besides Sept. 2, pa Days Will Fall on Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Jan. 16, April 24, May 29 and June 26 for Thames Valley Schools.

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