Parents can obtain 2 or more days of leave if these conditions are met

Parents can obtain 2 or more days of leave if

Employers are required by law to provide this additional leave.

Who has never dreamed of asking their employer for additional leave without having to provide compensation? This may seem impossible, and yet it is a reality for some employees. Indeed, parents with dependent children benefit from additional leave, although many are sometimes unaware of this. These leaves meet a real need, because they make it possible to better reconcile professional and family life, a daily challenge for most parents.

Concretely, according to article L3141-8 of the Labor Code, any employee aged 21 and over can obtain two additional days of leave per dependent child, and the employer cannot refuse them if they meet the conditions. Indeed, the right to additional leave for dependent children is granted to employees if they respect three conditions: the child lives in the employee’s household, he or she is under 15 years old on April 30 of the current year (exception if the child is disabled, no age requirement is required) and if the employee has a total of 30 working days or 25 working days of paid leave.

In principle, an employee is entitled to 2.5 days of leave per month of work. Over a year, this represents 30 working days or 25 working days and it is not possible to exceed this limit. To obtain them, you must make a written or oral request for leave from your employer.

In the event that your boss rejects your request for leave, know that as an employee, you are within your rights and you can contest this decision by appealing to the labor inspectorate or by going directly to the Industrial Tribunal. .
