“Parental failure” or “child development”… Positive education divides our readers

Parental failure or child development… Positive education divides our readers

The excesses of positive education

Jean-Paul Delafenêtre, Esclauzels (Lot)

The main point is conveniently stated in Anne Rosencher’s editorial. Throughout my professional life, in my law firm, I have constantly reminded French people in a break-up situation of the following obvious fact: “As long as you say yes to your child, you are not beginning the work of It is when you say no to him, with sufficient authority, that is to say that of the heart, and when you explain to him why, in his interest, it is impossible for you to compromise on the no, that you begin the work of education.” The dubious response was invariably: “Do you think so?” We see today the harmful result for the child of the parental failure inherited from May 68, a failure which results in the fact that the parents of today no longer dare to transmit to the child king the landmarks, landmarks which they themselves had received from their parents, to remain upright in the trials of life. (“The excesses of “positive education” are preparing a political catastrophe”L’Express of June 8, 2023.)

For the development of the child

yves morel

Your editorial on positive education saddened me. That it can be criticized, why not? A constructive dialogue can only be positive. But positive education in no way advocates laxity, this is specified in all the books devoted to this subject. Its main objective is the respect and development of the child and the development of his sense of responsibility and freedom. I would have expected a newspaper like L’Express, faithful to the spirit of its founders, to place itself more in the line of progress than in that of regression. Why this resentment against a more peaceful, more respectful, more collaborative vision of the adult-child relationship? (“The excesses of “positive education” are preparing a political catastrophe“, L’Express of June 8, 2023.)

Time has proven Raymond Aron right

Bernard Lipp, Dole (Jura)

What a pleasure to see again put forward the thought of this philosopher, economist and sociologist long ridiculed by a good part of the intelligentsia at the expense of the “great” Sartre, who had refused to see the Potemkin villages during his visit to the USSR ! Time proves him a thousand times right again. The return of war in Europe reminds us of the precious values ​​of our Western democracies, even if they show their weakness through a power too often under the influence of electoralism… (“Dominique Schnapper: “For Raymond Aron, the defense of the free world passed through the United States”, L’Express of June 8.)

The lucidity of Jean Peyrelevade

Alain Rochat, Lyon (Rhone)

What lucidity that of Jean Peyrelevade! Welcome are the reminders of figures of around 30 billion euros for pension deficits (including the civil service) and of the error of 1981 concerning retirement at 60 years old. Jean Peyrelevade also outlines solutions for the future: VAT hike and return of a renovated ISF. It will be difficult, but we have to talk about it. (“Jean Peyrelevade: “Macron alone embodies the denial of reality“”, L’Express of June 8.)

Wage demands and job security

Marjorie Duriez, Saint-Sauveur (Dordogne)

After the nurses and the teachers, it is the turn of the town hall secretaries to claim a better salary and career development, arguing that their salary is barely higher than the minimum wage. I would just like to say to the protesting workers that it is not possible to have the butter, the dairyman’s salary and the green meadow of the farmer opposite at the same time. It would be desirable for these eternal dissatisfied people to consider that they have a job for life and that it is priceless when others have to face unemployment several times in their lives. (“The passion of town hall secretaries“, L’Express of June 8.)

L’Express enriches its audio editorial offer

L’Express can now be listened to as much as it is read. An audio version of all the editorial articles has been available to our subscribers since this month. On the site, thanks to a player at the top of each page, and exclusively from the application, a playlist offers each week all the audio versions of the weekly’s articles, to be selected and downloaded to listen to them – even outside connection. With this innovation, L’Express is enriching its audio offer, already strong with two topical podcasts: La Loupe, which is celebrating its two years with an increasing audience (+60% over one year), and Control F, a new format dedicated to tech and its impact on our society. Good listening with L’Express!
