Parental control, social networks: 12 tools to strengthen the online safety of teenagers

Parental control social networks 12 tools to strengthen the online

On March 2, the National Assembly voted in favor of the obligation of parental consent on social networks for minors under the age of 15. How to protect your teenager from social networks? Here are some tools to better support young people in their use of digital technology.

At a time when children grow up with the digital and screens, it often becomes difficult for parents to limit the time spent in front of their smartphone, tablet or computer, but above all to protect them from the excesses of the Internet and social networks. This Thursday, March 2, the National Assembly adopted, in first reading, a bill brought by Laurent Marcangeli (patron of Horizons deputies) for make parental consent compulsory for children under 15 on social networks. Cyberbullying, pornography, beauty standards that do not conform to reality… The risks of social networks have been listed. For Laurent Marcangeli, establish a “numerical majority” at the age of 15 becomes essential in the face of “the increasing precocity of digital puberty and the power of the tools made available to our young people”. According to this bill, the company could be liable for a fine in the event of a breach, up to 1% of its worldwide turnover. Finally, parents could suspend the account of their child under the age of 15.

1- Limit screen time on Instagram

This June 14, 2022, Instagram announced that it wanted to help parents exercise parental control over the application. Parents can make a account supervision request of their child who can accept or refuse it. Once the right of supervision has been granted, the parents can set daily time limits for use and prohibit it at night or during class. They can also know the people followed by the teenager and discover the subscribers to his account. Finally, a notification is sent when the child reports an account.

2- The Club of Parents connected on Facebook

Launched with the associations e-Enfance, Génération Numérique and the UNAF, The “Connected Parents Club” answers parents’ questions about digital tools as well as social networks, video games, and even screen time. It brings together a facebook group moderated by experts to allow parents to find all the educational resources and learn the basics of digital technology. Facebook also offers an “online and safe” well as a new forum “Education/parent” to share their experience and advice.

3 – The School of Social Networks

Social Media School is an educational game which allows children aged 6 to 10 to safely experience situations they will encounter (or have already encountered). Thanks to a Chatbot, they can choose from 59 cards/questions and ask themselves questions: can I chat with people I don’t know? How do I find help? How to be a good friend online?…”The digital world is a universe of discoveries for children, but without adults who build them a frame of reference, they are very exposed. By moderating the first secure social network for 6-10 year olds for three years, we were able to see the risky situations they faced, which we integrated as a game into the School of Social Networks so that they are ask questions while having fun“, explains Daniel Jasmin, co-founder of eduPad at the origin of this initiative with European Schoolnet.

4-Family Link app

The Google Family Link app allows parents to keep an eye on children’s digital usage. It is possible for example to know the time spent on screen and set limits, to lock the device remotely, or to see which apps have been viewed and downloaded. To reassure parents, they can even check where the child is if he has not yet returned from school. Info about familylink

5- Check the privacy settings and security of your computers

Whether it’s social networks or your Internet access, start by checking and setting up your information. On “My Google Account” for example, you can choose the types of advertisements displayed, strengthen your password and configure the different options according to your needs. My Google Account

As with privacy settings, it is essential to protect your computers from possible viruses, spam or other malware. Remember to check the security of your devices. Is your antivirus up to date? Is your password long and unique enough? If not, there is still time to change it and update your data.

6- The TikTok app offers a safe mode for families

To reassure parents, the Tik Tok application has launched a family safety mode in order to limit the duration of use by teenagers, to restrict direct messages and the appearance of inappropriate content. To use this feature, parents must register on the platform, then link their account to that of their child in order to modify the security options. MoreoverI13-15 year old accounts are configured by default in “private” mode and the “recommend your account to others” option is disabled, by default as well. The “everyone” option is removed for comments, only “friends” and “private” remain. In addition, the “duo” and “collages” functions are no longer accessible to those under 16 and, from 16 to 17, they will be set to the “friends” option by default. Only creators over the age of 16 will then be able to upload videos.

7- Private account and “Restrict” feature on Instagram

If your child wants to open their own account on Instagram, ask them to open a private account. In short, only his friends will be able to see the photos, stories and videos published. However, make them aware of not accepting just anyone as a “friend”, and not geolocating themselves. It is also possible to manage the time spent on the social network, to filter or block comments, in the settings. Instagram has also launched the “restrict” feature to prevent unwanted interactions. This new tool has been designed to discreetly protect yourself on the platform, without alerting the person concerned.

8- The Digital Coach app

This app allows young people to browse independently, while respecting the rules set with their parents, such as the time spent on the smartphone. Statistics make it possible to compare their use with other children of the same age. Whenever they approach a limit, the child can remotely ask their parents for more time to complete their game or discussion. But if he is “stuck” to his phone at mealtime, for example, he can receive a notification telling him that his phone will go to sleep in a minute, because it’s time to eat. Finally, remember that all unwanted content is protected and blocked automatically. An ideal first digital experience, based on trust.

9- The YouTube Kids app

The YouTube Kids app offers content adapted to their age thanks to a secure version that allows parents to select the videos they want to show their children and to activate or not the “Search” mode. The latter also have the possibility of activating a timer to inform the children that it is time to turn off the screen. Not to mention the algorithm and the team of moderators who also filter out unwanted content. Finally, small users do not need to create an account to access the app, which avoids revealing the personal data of their children.

10- Kidjo, the alternative to You Tube Kids

This French application allows you to create up to three profiles per child, and set the viewing time. The videos as well as the games offered here are also adapted to the age of toddlers. Parents can even select a playlist of nursery rhymes and activities so that their child can have fun and navigate alone, in complete autonomy. From 4.99 euros per month. Info about the kidjo app

11- The Google Assistant for families

“Hey Google!” Are you a fan of voice assistants? With the new section “Children and family”, Google has age-appropriate games, activities, rhymes, and stories for young and old. You will be able to organize a game of musical chairs, test your general knowledge or read a story to your child before sleeping. Info about

12- Teach him to spot fake news with Info Hunter

Info Hunter is a digital educational journey that allows teachers and parents to approach information and in particular to better spot fake news among young people. A good way to develop their critical spirit, to analyze the news and to disentangle the true from the false. Carried out with the support of the Ministry of National Education, this project obtained the Online Citizenship Award by facebook. Site :
