Parcoursup: the first results have been revealed since last night

Parcoursup the first results have been revealed since last night

This year, nearly 936,000 students are impatiently awaiting the answers to their orientation wishes for the next school year. The pressure rises, often much more than for the results of the bac, examination which from now on is obtained in particular thanks to the continuous control.

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Since yesterday evening, there is no longer any need to wait for the 620,000 high school students and the 186,000 students in reorientation who know, therefore, whether or not their study wishes have been accepted. At the end of March, the students made 10 orientation wishes and 20 sub-wishes without classifying them, on the platform ParcoursUp. Since last night, students can consult the first results:

  • Yes: the student is accepted by the training;
  • Yes-if (for wish in license): the student is accepted by the training and will benefit from an accompaniment integrated into the training to reinforce his skills ;
  • On the waiting list: the student is not yet accepted for training but this status can change every day until July 14 depending on the choice of other students. A wish being on the waiting list can thus be transformed the next day into a Yes;
  • No (concerns only selective training options): your file has not been selected for integrate a BTSa preparation…

Still a little patience

All is not therefore played since last night. The students who received a response between June 2 and 6 have until June 7 to validate a wish, and thus free up places for students on the waiting list. Students receiving a response from June 7 will have 2 days to accept or refuse their application. The last sending of greetings will take place on July 14. The student will then have until the next day to make his choice.

Pay attention to response times

As students, you must in any case respect the response deadlines for your choice. The acceptance of a training does not call into question the results pending. In the event of a positive response to your favorite training, you can definitively accept it and this will put an end to your other pending wishes, thus changing the results of the students on the waiting list.

Once Training chosen, you will be able to consult the registration procedures requested by the establishment offering your future training.

Second chance

In addition to this main phase, an additional phase starts from June 23. This additional phase is a second chance for students who have not received only “No” to all their wishes, since the courses, including the selective courses, give access to places which were not filled during the main phase. This complementary phase is open until September 16.

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