paramilitary commander killed in el-Fasher

paramilitary commander killed in el Fasher

In Sudan, it was a major defeat for the paramilitary forces of General Hamdan Daglo, known as Hemedti. One of their senior commanders died this Friday, June 14 in the morning during fighting around the town of el-Fasher. This is General Ali Yacoub Gibril, in charge of operations of the Rapid Support Forces in el-Fasher.

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The capital of North Darfur has been surrounded for a month now by these paramilitaries who are trying to take control of it from the army. According to the Sudanese army, General Ali Yacoub Gibril was killed this Friday morning while his troops tried to break through the defenses of the regular army south of the town of el-Fasher. A photo of his body surrounded by army soldiers quickly made the rounds on social networks.

Former tribal militia leader before joining the paramilitaries, Ali Yacoub Gibril was not only commander of operations in el-Fasher but also commander of operations in Zalingei, which fell into his hands a few months earlier.

He is also accused of being responsible for the massacre of civilians of the Fur ethnic group in this capital of Central Darfur. In May 2024, the US Treasury placed him under sanctions for his role in the clashes in Darfur.

According to the Sudanese army, 17 paramilitaries were also taken prisoner this Friday morning during the paramilitary assault.
