parade for abortion rights, threatened by presidential favorite Milei

parade for abortion rights threatened by presidential favorite Milei

Is Argentina about to reverse the right to abortion? In any case, this is what Javier Milei, the favorite for the presidential election of October 22, wants. Thursday, September 28, rallies took place across the country to defend the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion), voted at the end of 2020.

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With our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Théo Conscience

In the human tide that goes up the avenue linking the Plaza de Mayo to the Congress in Buenos Aires, the purple emblematic of feminist struggles mixes with green, the color of the campaign which defended and obtained the right to abortion in 2020. It is also the color of the scarf worn by Victoria, 19, on which it is written “ legal, safe and free abortion “. She parades on September 28, world abortion rights day.

We are here to defend rights that are being called into question by the possible rise to power of Milei, who threatens to suppress legal abortion. What is certain is that we will take to the streets to defend this right that belongs to us and that we obtained after a long fight. », chants the young woman.

In addition to wanting to return to the right to abortion, Javier Milei also promises to abolish the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, and to carry out a “ cultural battle » against “gender theory”. For Myriam, 73, abortion is not the only right to be in danger:

Same-sex marriage, the rights of the LGBTQ+ community… I believe we are on the verge of losing many rights that we have had for years, and of which we, Argentines, are proud. »

If elected, Javier Milei also wants to abolish compulsory sex education in schools. Although he calls himself libertarian, the ultraliberal candidate nonetheless remains conservative on most social issues.

Read alsoArgentina: one month before the presidential election, Javier Milei is freewheeling
