Paracetamol: daily intake over a long period would increase the cardiovascular risk

Paracetamol daily intake over a long period would increase the

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    A new Scottish study warns of a risk of increased blood pressure in people suffering from chronic pain who consume paracetamol daily over too long a period.

    Taking paracetamol for long periods could increase blood pressure and the risk of heart problems. A warning from a group of Scottish researchers from the University of Edinburgh, published in the scientific journal Circulation. “We recommend that physicians give their patients the minimum dose first and increase gradually, only if necessary while regularly monitoring blood pressure”can we read in the study report.

    Consult a cardiologist online

    20% increased risk of heart attack

    During this study, 110 patients with a history of arterial hypertension and suffering from chronic pain were prescribed 1 gram of paracetamol, 4 times a day (as a reminder, the maximum recommended dose is 4g per day for adults). Then these same volunteers took the same dose, but with a placebo drug for 2 weeks.

    Results ? Researchers found a significant increase in blood pressure after taking paracetamol compared to placebo. The risk was similar to that of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for which the danger is already known. According to researchers, taking 4g of paracetamol daily could increase the risk of heart attack or stroke by 20%. Hence their warning to doctors.

    Nevertheless, the researchers wanted to temper by emphasizing that concerning the exceptional use of paracetamol to alleviate a headache, fever or over a short period, there is no risk.
