Pär Lernström about the father and the Pentecostal upbringing

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Lernström describes growing up outside Strängnäs as idyllic and says that the family is a Christian and members of the Pentecostal movement. When Lernström is 12 years old, his father loses his job and then moves out – because he has met someone else.

– It is as if we are all tripping on our toes in the uncertain existence, he describes the situation.

His career as a presenter first on radio and later on television is only touched on as quickly as possible, the focus of the “Summer” program is human relations and above all those with the later deceased father. One day when Pär Lernström is out and about in Stockholm, the father calls with a shocking message.

– He went there for drunk driving when he drove a bus to work and had to choose: prison or go the twelve-step program. He is in a treatment home in Dalarna and contacting us is part of the treatment.

It’s an emotional start to the year “Summer in P1” and the ending is nonetheless tearful. In the end, Lernström addresses his mother instead:

– Why do I spend this whole program talking about Dad when it’s you who should be raised? he asks himself.
