Pär Holmgren wants to become the new mouthpiece for MP

Holmgren has sat in the EU Parliament since 2019 and is now running both as a spokesperson and to be re-elected as an EU Member of Parliament.

– Most of the environmental legislation we have in Sweden now comes from the EU parliament, and the EU in general, and then it will be an enormous strength for us in the Green Party to have a mouthpiece in every parliament, says Pär Holmgren to Ekot.

In addition to Pär Holmgren, Daniel Helldén, Martin Marmgren, Magnus P Wåhlin, Torbjörn Nilsson, Linus Lakso, Carl Ståhle, Henrik Ölvebo and Henrik Blind are also candidates.

Voting in September

The Green Youth Youth Association believes that it would be better to have a mouthpiece with the justification that the media landscape has changed so much that it would be better for the party to have a clear voice.

In September, an advisory vote will be held on the issue, when it will be up to the representatives to have their say.

Of those who are running to succeed per Bolund, only Daniel Helldén has said that he can imagine leading the party alone.

Facts: The Green Party’s choice of new mouthpieces

In September, an advisory vote is held among the representatives to see if the party should have one or two spokespersons.

The issue will be raised at the congress regardless of the outcome of the vote. At the congress, if more than a two-thirds majority says yes to scrapping the two-spoke model, the change applies immediately. If there is a majority but less than a two-thirds majority, then a second decision is needed at the next ordinary congress, which is in 2025.

In September and October, candidate hearings are planned.

On October 17, the National Election Committee must present its proposal to Congress.

Per Bolund’s successor will be chosen at the party’s congress in Örebro on November 17–19.

