Panoramic Edition is coming to PC

Panoramic Edition is coming to PC

Monument Valley, which is synonymous with mobile platforms and one of the best games of its kind, is coming to PC. Monument Valley: Panoramic Edition has been announced for PC.

Published on both iOS and Android platforms, Monument Valley games are among the best examples of their genre, as well as successful productions on the mobile platform. I have to say that the second game is still installed on my phone. Here it is with its fun, thought-provoking and distracting structure. Monument Valley: Panoramic Edition PC Coming for.

Monument Valley: Panoramic Edition announced for PC

Ustwo Games announced that it will come to the PC platform with the names Monument Valley: Panoramic Edition and Monument Valley II: Panoramic Edition, two of its previously released mobile games. As the name suggests, the game has a panoramic view in order to be suitable for the PC platform.

Both games are on Steam on July 12. will be on sale. It is also stated that a special package called Panoramic Collection, which includes both games, will be on sale. The Steam description and announcement video of the games are as follows;

Embark on a journey of forgiveness through impossible environments and deceptive puzzles with the silent princess Ida. Experience this meditative relaxing puzzle game by manipulating monuments and creating transforming paths to explore new, surreal and mysterious worlds.
