Pandemic and war: for the Italians “mix” that feeds stress

Pandemic and war for the Italians mix that feeds stress

(Finance) – First the pandemic, then the war in Ukraine: never before as in the last period, on the shoulders of the Italians there are restrictions, uncertainties towards the working and economic future, the continuous adaptations, many of which sudden, which have increased the reasons for stress for each of us. But the list of reasons for stress could go on and on, if we add to it the communication difficulties in professional environments, misunderstandings in couples, failure to satisfy some needs and whoever has more, the more.

What if the stress goes on for a long time? It would be good to clarify that stress itself is not always problematic “he points out Felice Damiano Torricelli, ENPAP President. “Respect deadlines at work, organize an event, face a new reality and, perhaps complex, are situations we deal with on a daily basis, and which stress us to the extent that they activate our emergency resources to cope with the task. In these cases we recover quickly thanks to the compensatory capacity of our organism “. But, continues Torricelli,” problems arise when – as happens in this phase for many people – we are subjected without respite and for a long period to strong tensions that alter the natural rhythm of alternation between tension and relaxation. It is this chronic stress, which is bad for the body and for the psyche and which can trigger serious pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, cardiac arrhythmias, heart attacks, diabetes, gastric ulcers, depressions, anxiety and even eating disorders “.

It is good, then, to manage stress from the very first symptoms. “We must listen to the signals that our mind gives us, the triggering of daily rituals we were not used to, and a whole series of problems related to the sleep-wake cycle, because they are telling us important things, namely that our mind cannot handle these types of scenarios and it is starting to erode resources in other districts of our operations. ”
