Panama wants the countries of the region to come together to deal with the situation in Venezuela | News in brief

At least 24 people have died in more than a week of unrest, as people have opposed President Nicolas Maduro’s alleged election victory.

President of Panama José Raúl Mulino announces that he wants to gather seventeen Latin American presidents to discuss the situation in Venezuela.

Mulino announced the messaging service in X having asked the foreign minister of his country to call the leaders of the countries together.

In his Tuesday meeting with the US authorities, he asked the country to help with the arrangements for the meeting. According to Mulino, the purpose of the meeting is to find a peaceful solution to the conflict and draw up a declaration.

At least 24 people have died in more than a week of unrest, as people have opposed the president Nicolas Maduro alleged election victory.

The Venezuelan non-governmental organization Provea tells about it in X and the US-based Human Rights Watch.

The country’s security forces have been accused of suppressing the protests. Maduro’s alleged election victory has been widely disputed both inside and outside of Venezuela.

Sources: Reuters, STT
