Pamela Anderson reveals her beauty and fitness secrets

Pamela Anderson reveals her beauty and fitness secrets

The secrets of her coloring, her makeup obsession of the moment, her vision of beauty, her diet, her favorite sport: Pamela Anderson delivers on her beauty and fitness routine without detour.

While she has just started the performances of the musical Chicago on Broadway, Pamela Anderson granted a interview at E!, revealing its make-up, hairstyle, sport and slimming secrets.

Pamela Anderson, hair and makeup expert

Since we discovered her in the cult series Baywatch, Pamela Anderson flaunts blonde hair that she maintains herself at home. “I color my own hair”she told the site E!. While the Pammy Updo, Pamela Anderson’s famous signature bun is back in fashion, the actress revealed that this hairstyle is far from complicated to achieve. “And my “updo” is easier than you think – I use a long French pin (bun pin, editor’s note) – finished”, assured the star.

Pamela Anderson is therefore an expert in hairdressing, but also in make-up since she does not need a make-up artist to go on the Broadway stage. “Yes, I do my own makeup. I really like that, transforming myself and becoming the character. It’s nice to have this alone time. I am also learning make-up. Along with dancing, singing and acting, it’s a combination of firsts for me.” confided the beautysta who also admitted to being obsessed with lip stains. “I could get mine out [lip stains]“, noted the star. Could this be the hidden confession of a future beauty brand signed Pamela Anderson ? The one whose physique has been commented on a lot stressed that, according to her, beauty is not just a question of appearance, explaining: “I believe that all beauty comes from within. Happiness is the best beauty tip. Being brave is sexy“.

Pamela Anderson’s fitness routine

In this interview, Pamela Anderson also revealed her sports routine that keeps her fit at 54.I do massages regularly. […] I love Pilates. I’m training pretty hard on Broadway right now. My walks in the park and a few stretches are enough for me to maintain my stamina”, she said. Finally, the Canadian-born star also detailed her eating habits, which focus on a vegan diet. “I also don’t eat after 6 p.m. or before 10 a.m. – never sugar. […] I particularly enjoyed the Lightlife brand tempe, a traditional Indonesian superfood made from fermented soybeans”, explained the mother of two children. To see the superb silhouette of Pamela Anderson, her beauty and fitness routine seems to work wonderfully for her!
