A big game like Palworld also has some bugs. But some players rightly ask themselves: Is this really a mistake, or is it supposed to be like that? Like in the case of a Reddit user who had to deal with an ever-growing pal.
What is the situation? Palworld has not been available on the market for long. The release on January 19th was only two weeks ago. The game is currently in Early Access. Given that the game is still new and not yet fully developed, it is not surprising that new bugs are constantly being discovered.
A player recently found an absurdly large egg in the game world. He wondered which Pal would hatch from it and whether the size of the egg was really intended by the developers.
Another player also asked a similar question. In the case of Reddit user kaityl3, there was also something that was a bit too big.
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A bug that causes a lot of laughs on Reddit
What bug is this about? In his Reddit post, user kaityl3 writes: “Every time I return to my base, my lucky vixy gets bigger.”
And the picture actually shows an almost gigantic Pal lying in the player’s base with its head towards the ground. The Vixy is much larger than normal and would tower over the surrounding trees if it were to stand on two legs.
The Pal is already absurdly large and doesn’t want to stop growing.
The user also writes that the bug disappears for a short time if he removes the Pal from the base and puts it in the Palbox. When he puts it back into the base, the Vixy begins to grow again.
It would now be so big that the player could see it from afar (via imgur.com). Theoretically, he can interact normally with the Pal. Theoretically. Practically speaking, there are some difficulties. Because when the player tries to pick up the pal, the camera glides inside the body. The rapid growth does not seem to be intended by the game.
Thanks to another bug, a player was able to view the Palworld map from above.
What does the community think about the bug? There are many comments from amused users under the Reddit post. Some of them ask themselves with a wink whether this is really a bug or rather a special kind of feature.
“You say bug, I say feature,” says user aluchan91. The bug would be so absurd that it would mainly cause laughter.
Hardly anyone seems to be bothered by the bug. On the contrary, user Smoothsharkskin speaks from the hearts of many players when he says: “This is the kind of bug that should never be fixed.”
As long as they don’t affect the actual game, bugs are a funny thing. They can sweeten our everyday gaming life and put a smile on our faces. But not all bugs are welcome: Palworld’s developers warn of a bug from which there is no turning back.