Palmade affair, Sihem affair… Who is the highly publicized lawyer?

Palmade affair Sihem affair… Who is the highly publicized lawyer

Lawyer for the victims in the Pierre Palmade case, Me Mourad Battikh is involved in a highly publicized case. This is not a first for this jurist who distinguished himself in the Sihem Belouahmia case or that of Delphine Jubillar.

With his easy verb, the lawyer Mourad Battikh seizes all the TV sets to defend his last clients: the victims of the accident caused by the actor Pierre Palmade. The lawyer is tackling a highly publicized case with fervor, he who at a press conference on Tuesday February 14 assured that “the only victims are [ses] clients” in addition to mentioning aggravating circumstances for the acts of which the comedian is accused, without ever replacing the work of the judge.

However, Me Mourad Battikh is not his first case and among the hundreds of cases he has handled, several have made an impression, such as the Delphine Jubillar case or, more recently, that of the disappearance of the young Sihem Belouahmia. . Each time, the lawyer was on the side of the civil parties to carry the voice of the relatives of the victims, but Mourad Battikh also distinguished himself with the defendants in several trials, with success. However, the lawyer admitted to The Republic in Seine-et-Marne having “a special affection for the victims. I like to carry their voice when they no longer have the strength to do so.”

Mourad Battikh, jurist with a faultless course

Law appears to be the first love of Mourad Battikh, holder of a general university degree (DEUG) in Assas-Melun, in Seine-et-Marne, the city where he is from. But this diploma is only the beginning of a brilliant career completed by a degree in political science in Paris and a master’s degree in international relations obtained in England. A long and circuitous path to finally reconnect with the law brilliantly by obtaining, on the first try, the lawyer’s competition to join the Paris bar in 2018. Since then Me Battikh has opened his practice with the lawyer Camille Askolovitch in the capital , close to the Arc de Triomphe.

The success of Me Mourad Battikh is now proven in the courts in which he pleads with passion and ease. Assets that allowed him in 2019 to win the prestigious eloquence competition for lawyers in front of 250 candidates. The task had not been obvious, but his speech had convinced. On the original theme “should we put love in the machine?”, the young lawyer had pleaded that “love-passion is love-prison”, according to the memories of The Republic of Seine-et-Marne.

From Melun to Paris, to the origins of Mourad Battikh

Before continuing his studies and taking the oath to the Paris bar, it was in Melun, in Seine-et-Marne, that Mourad Battikh was born and attended university. And the lawyer does not hide his attachment to his hometown where a large part of his family still resides. “I remain very attached to Melun, where I lived part of my childhood and where all my family lives. But I chose to enroll in Paris because I wanted to be at the center of all the bars of Île- de-France”, explained the thirty-something to Even professionally therefore, the lawyer remains close to the Seine-et-Marnaise prefecture with a local clientele. Me Mourad Battikh is also dealing again near Melun in the context of the Pierre Palmade case.

Palmade, Jubillar, Hamraoui… Mourad Battikh’s big business

In just a few years of practice, Mr Mourad Battikh has worked on high-profile cases. That of Pierre Palmade’s accident is the latest and the lawyer puts all his energy into the case, as evidenced by his various appearances on TV sets to plead the cause of the civil parties. A few weeks earlier, it was on the case of Sihem Belouahmia, the young missing woman found dead in the Gard, that he was asked. But the name of Me Battikh had resonated well before these two files.

In 2019, the lawyer had represented high school students who were allegedly forced to their knees by the police during a demonstration in the Yvelines. What had earned him the honors ofAmnesty International. Me Mourad Battikh has also been working since 2020 on the terrible Jubillar case to defend the voice of the family members of the missing nurse. Among the lawyer’s emblematic files, there is also that of the case of Aminata Diallo against Kheira Hamraoui, during which he defended the defender of the Blues. In total, Me Mourad Battikh worked on 500 cases and the future looks promising for this hard worker who assured La République de Seine-et-Marne that “the result is proportional to the effort”.
