Palestinian teenager shot in Jerusalem

Palestinian teenager shot in Jerusalem

Published: Just now

full screen Israeli security forces near the site where a Palestinian teenager was shot on Saturday. Photo: Mahmoud Illean/AP/TT

Israeli police on Saturday shot a Palestinian teenager who was suspected of trying to carry out an attack in Jerusalem.

According to Palestinian authorities, the condition of the teenager, who is stated to be 16 years old, is critical.

Israeli police said in a statement that the Palestinian had previously seriously injured a pedestrian before fleeing to an area in East Jerusalem. There, the police recognized the teenager as he approached an Israeli police officer with “an object” in his hand.

The police are then reported to have opened fire on the Palestinian.

It is not clear from the statement how the police recognized the teenager or what kind of object it was.

In another incident on Saturday, a 32-year-old Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli security forces near a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank

According to the Israeli military, it was soldiers who opened fire on a vehicle that tried to force a border station and enter Israel illegally. In connection with the incident, an Israeli soldier was hit by the vehicle.

The soldier who was hit is said to have received minor injuries.

More than 115 Palestinians – both insurgents and civilians – have been killed in Israeli-Palestinian clashes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem so far this year. The violence has increased since a series of Palestinian attacks left 19 Israelis dead.
