Palestinian protesters harassed a reporter at Sydsvenskan

Palestinian protesters harassed a reporter at Sydsvenskan



full screen Stock image. Palestine demonstration in central Malmö earlier in July. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Palestinian protesters sought out a reporter and shouted outside her home in Malmö.

This after she revealed that protesters praised Hamas.

– It is very serious that an individual employee is harassed, says Sydsvenskan’s editor-in-chief Jonas Kanje.

  • A reporter at Sydsvenskan was approached at his home after revealing that demonstrators praised Hamas during protests against the war in Gaza.
  • Editor-in-chief Jonas Kanje emphasizes that the incident is an attempt to intimidate journalists into silence and a threat to independent journalism, something that Sydsvenskan strongly condemns.
  • The editors will continue with their investigative journalism, and the incident has been reported to the police.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    After the Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October last year and Israel’s subsequent war in Gaza, repeated demonstrations have been arranged in Malmö against the war.

    Recently the newspaper Sydsvenskan published a review of which slogans were used during the demonstrations.

    The reporter was able to establish that the slogans in Swedish differed from the slogans shouted in Arabic, says Sydsvenskan’s editor-in-chief Jonas Kanje:

    – In Swedish, it is about liberating Palestine, while in Arabic, demonstrators pay tribute to Hamas leaders and have a much harsher rhetoric, which many others who walk in the demonstration trains have distanced themselves from.

    Last Thursday evening, a number of protesters appeared – about 50, the reporter himself stated at X – and shouted into a megaphone outside the reporter’s residence.

    – It is very serious that an individual employee is approached at home and harassed. There are quite a few people shouting into megaphones below her balcony, says Jonas Kanje and continues:

    – It is a way of trying to intimidate a reporter into silence, in a way that is completely unacceptable and a threat to independent journalism. It is very serious.

    Jonas Kanje says that the incident has been reported to the police. But regardless of what the police investigation leads to, the newspaper will continue with its investigative journalism, says Jonas Kanje:

    – We do not let ourselves be influenced by this.

    Mikael Yüksel, party leader of Nyans, defends the protesters:

    – If you can pay tribute to the perpetrator of genocide and the war criminal Netanyahu, you can also pay tribute to Palestinian freedom fighters. Freedom of expression does not only apply in one direction in democracies.

    Equality Minister Paulina Brandberg, on the other hand, supports Sydsvenskan on X:

    – Free journalism is one of the fundamental foundations of a democracy. Incredibly serious that a journalist is exposed to an incident like this in her own home as a direct reaction to her journalistic work, she writes.
