Palermo Airport: from May stop at Cigs

Palermo Airport from May stop at Cigs

(Finance) – From next May, stop at extraordinary redundancy fund for Gesap employeesthe management company of the “Falcone Borsellino” airport of Palermo.

The decision came after acareful analysis of traffic data for the first quarter of 2022which ended with -9.6% on the same quarter of 2019but at the same time – highlights the company – there is a clear trend towards improving traffic data in the post-pandemic period and there is, for the moment, no sign of decline due to the serious conflict in Ukraine.

Gesap will suspend the Cigs from May, not before having evaluated the flight and passenger traffic trends in April, especially during the Easter period. Subsequently, by April, he will meet with the trade unions to formalize the abandonment of the redundancy fund procedure, started two years ago with the onset of the pandemic, when the number of flights and passengers fell by 90%. Meanwhile, the estimates of passenger traffic, also from a forecasting point of view, are comforting. In the Easter period, between 15 and 19 April 2022, it is estimated that just over 102 thousand passengers will pass through the airport of Palermo, 3% less if compared with the Easter period of 2019
