Pakistani PM accuses the USA: USA is interfering in our domestic policy

Pakistani PM accuses the USA USA is interfering in our

Prime Minister Han made statements to foreign press members at the Prime Minister’s Residence.

Khan said that on March 8, their Ambassador in Washington met with US officials and was given a “threatening letter” at an official meeting.


“Pakistan will be forgiven if Imran Khan leaves, otherwise there will be consequences,” the letter said. “(US officials) state that the visit to Russia was Imran Khan’s own decision. However, this decision was taken in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the army and high-level institutions.” used the phrase.

Expressing that the vote of no confidence against him was an obvious attempt at regime change in Pakistan and was “planned in cooperation with the United States,” Khan said, “(The opposition’s) attempt to dismiss me is a clear US intervention in our domestic policy.” said.


Pointing out that their visit to Russia is important, Han said that they need gas supply, wheat and technology related to cyber security.

Khan said, “We will forgive Pakistan if Imran Khan goes.” He noted that his statements were extremely arrogant.

Stating that they made diplomatic initiatives against the USA, Khan noted that they should have good relations with both the USA and Europe, but that Islamabad’s independent foreign policy is important.

Reminding that Pakistan made a mistake by participating in the US war on terrorism in Afghanistan and that 80,000 citizens died during this war, Khan said, “We want alliance in peace, not war.” said.


Emphasizing that he never expected a threatening letter from a diplomat, Han said, “As I said, this is an obvious regime change. I was totally shocked when I heard that.” said.

Regarding tomorrow’s vote, Han said, “We have plans. How can I respect the result that will come out tomorrow when this whole process is unreliable. My decision is to go to a new election.” made its assessment.

Khan also expressed his respect for the military’s neutrality. (AA)
