Pakistani activist’s climate criticism of Sweden

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For Pakistani Ayisha Siddiqa, it is obvious that rich industrialized countries must pay for the consequences caused by the emissions.

– When Pakistan can no longer supply the world with clothes, rice or crops then the economic structures in Sweden will also collapse, she says.

The negotiations during the climate summit COP27, which is ongoing in Sharm el Sheik in Egypt, are approaching the final phase.

There is no agreement

The negotiations during the meeting revolved around how the climate goals are to be achieved despite inflation and the climate crisis. In addition, there is discussion about starting a fund so that poor countries can be compensated for the damage that climate change is already causing.

But there is no agreement regarding a fund for “loss and damage”. the parties are far apart. Here, Sweden should contribute more, believes Ayisha Siddiqa.

– Countries like Sweden have a responsibility to ensure that the world’s developing countries do not crash lands. You have built your wealth by exceeding the carbon budget, says Ayisha Siddiqa.

Hear her thoughts in the clip above.
