Painful austerity requirement – withdraws 12 positions in the school in Arjeplog

In total, around twelve positions will disappear within primary and preschool and student health – something Piteå-Tidningen has previously reported.

– For the most part, it is about fixed-term employment. It is not certain that any permanent employee will be affected. Most of the changes will take place gradually over the next year, says Westerlund.

The services being withdrawn

In the pre-school, seven posts will be lost, and in the primary school it is a saving corresponding to four posts – one assistant and three teachers.

Within student health, a student health assistant disappears.

– The entire municipal sector in Sweden is having a hard time right now and we are not spared, says the head of education.

This affects teachers and students

The budget for the preschool goes from approximately SEK 20 million in 2023 to just over SEK 17.3 million for 2024.

The elementary school needed SEK 40 million in 2023 and the budget is expected to be close to SEK 40.4 million in 2024.

– Although the budget for the primary school has increased, the costs have increased all the more, says Fredrik Westerlund.

In the clip – hear how the students and teachers are affected by the savings.
