Paid Telegram Premium package coming soon

Paid Telegram Premium package coming soon

Seeing an incredible increase in 2021 Telegram paid for Telegram Premium package will be available soon.

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WhatsApp constantly growing telegram, for a financially sustainable future developing a paid subscription package. This is the one that entered the iOS beta last month. Telegram Premium The membership package, named, is still not given a clear date, but it creates the impression that it will be officially available very soon. According to the latest discoveries, the company is now putting the finishing touches on the process. In certain parts of the application “Telegram is free forever. Ad-free. No subscription fee” The company that shows the phrase will do this soon. “Telegram provides free unlimited cloud storage for chats and media content.” aspect will change. So, what will be given to users when the Premium membership package is purchased? Paid subscribers by first stage will earn extra stickers, a star-shaped Premium subscriber badge, and private message reaction options. So what exactly will they be? While the video above gives the answer to this, it also develops ads in order to make money in the application.

Telegram Premium There is still no information about the price for the membership package. There is currently no “in-app purchase” section in the iOS app. It is certainly not expected that the company will keep the price high in general. Because the features that will be offered for a fee do not look big for now.


Every free service has different ways to earn money. At the beginning of these are special paid subscription packages and advertisements as above. Some free services acquires by selling user data. Telegram does not go that route, depending on the purpose for which it was set up.

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