Between circus and hammam: Temenik Electric and Léonie Pernet
Our 1er guest is Mehdi Hadjeri. For 10 years, Temenik Electric blurs the tracks with his epic pop, his arabian-rock and his electro-oriental trances. 2 EPs, 3 albums and 300…
25 people sentenced for 2017 assassination attempt on Equatorial Guinea’s president
This is a case that dates back to December 2017. People arrested in Cameroon had been accused of the attempted assassination of the President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguéma.…
How does our brain sort through information to stay focused?
A noise, a presence, a telephone ringing…, how does the brain make a selection between what deserves to be interested in it and what should be ignored? A team of…
Epizootics: what is it?
An epizootic is a epidemic who touches animals of the same or different species in a given region. Just like an epidemic, an epizootic is characterized by a large number…
AMD promises even better looking games with its FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0
In the field of technologies that improve the number of frames per second without (too) degrading the image quality, DLSS, from Nvidia, is both the oldest technology, but also the…
PS5: our update on live stocks this Friday
PLAYSTATION 5. Having glimpsed the PS5 at various retailers this week, we can define an improving situation for console buyers. We take stock of the inventory. Summary [Mis à jour…
$50K in new grants bring Stratford Pride Community Center ‘very close’ to announcing physical location
A weekend-long fundraiser for the new Stratford Pride Community Center is off to a hot start. Organizers launched the city’s first Winter Pride celebration Friday evening by announcing a pair…
Support pack for Humble Bundle Ukraine includes over 100 games
With the support package for Humble Bundle Ukraine, you can access a list of 122 games, including games such as Back 4 Blood, Metro Exodus, for a small price. Humble…
Telegram banned in Brazil over email confusion
WhatsApp with the world’s most used messaging service Telegramover email confusion in Brazil prohibited. WhatsApp has experienced an incredible user explosion after the privacy incident exploded. telegram, this time it…
FedEx, quarter in growth but title does not heat up
(Finance) – Down Fedex which changes hands with a loss of 5.15% despite the shipping giant announcing better than expected third quarter results. The period ended with net profits up…