Russia can use nuclear weapons if its existence is threatened – the country’s nuclear doctrine also allows for a limited first strike
Russia has a large number of tactical nuclear weapons designed for short-range battlefield use. The intimidation of Russia’s nuclear weapons is a heavy burden in the horizontal cup that has…
the new winners are known!
BEST HIGH SCHOOLS IN FRANCE. The 2022 list of the best high schools in France can be consulted free of charge on our site. Established by from data from…
Russian warships launch missiles from the Black Sea to Ukraine
While the war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for 29 days, the attacks of the Russian army from land, air and sea continue. MISSILE LAUNCHED FROM SİVASTAPOL…
It is very effective against cancer and diabetes… It relieves edema, relieves constipation! What are the benefits of asparagus?
Asparagus stands out with its aromatic and spicy taste. White asparagus becomes firm, juicy, full-bodied, and its bitterness is more pronounced. Asparagus, popularly known as ‘sparrow grass’, is a perennial…
[Carte d’électeur]: Jadot and Hidalgo, each in their lane
As the first round of the presidential election approaches in France, the candidate of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon stands out from the other left-wing candidates. Behind, the ecologist Yannick Jadot…
“Feathers”, the first Egyptian film by director Omar El Zohairy
Cultural meeting It is the first Egyptian feature film. feathers, that’s its title, was shown and awarded last year at the “Critics’ Week” at the Cannes Film Festival. It is…
four dead in stabbing and ramming attack
The assailant, who killed four people in the main city of the Negev desert, was neutralized by a passerby. A total of eight minutes was enough for Ghaleb Abu al-Qian,…
We Say Goodbye To Internet Explorer Forever – New Windows Update
Internet Explorer will have its final lifecycle update on June 15th. Windows 10 update will come to computers after this date. The browser will be disabled and say goodbye to…
Muscular system: definition and anatomy of the muscles of the human body
Muscles are tissues of the human body composed of muscle fibers, which contract during body movements. There are 656 muscles in the human body. What is their role ? What…
Covid-19: the transmission of the virus by surfaces would be almost zero
News Posted 11 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. According to American researchers from the University of Utah, who published a study in the journal ACS Central Science last February, it…