Viivi Lehikoinen’s action in the final straight crowned a wild World Cup run – breaking his old record no less than five times this season
Hurdle runner Viivi Lehikoinen advanced to the semifinals at the World Championships in Oregon on Wednesday. Kristiina Halonen, who rose to sixth in Finland’s all-time list, was not satisfied despite…
The forest in Gnesta divides politicians
In recent years, the municipality’s outdoor area Lötbodal south of Gnesta has received a lot of attention. The forest has been affected by spruce bark beetle infestation and some trees…
Man stabbed in Västerås
Published: Less than 20 minutes ago full screen A man has been taken to hospital after being stabbed in Västerås. Stock Photography. Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT A man has…
MP wants to introduce price caps on train and bus tickets
The Green Party demands that the Riksdag’s Finance Committee interrupts the summer holidays for a meeting – and that urgently. The reason is the extreme weather in Europe and the…
Covid drugs should stop serious illness
The drug Paxlovid has been available for healthcare to order since Thursday, the National Board of Health and Welfare tells TT. Magnus Gisslén, professor of infectious diseases at the University…
YouTuber offers 19,500 euros in prize money
YouTuber Charlie “Cr1TiKaL” White Jr. is offering $20,000 if you play through Halo 2: Anniversary. But on the highest level of difficulty and with all sorts of options that make…
what results for the promotions this year?
SALES. The summer sales are over! The four weeks of promotion will have made it possible to take advantage of many offers, even if the results are mixed compared to…
Germany’s ambassador to Ankara summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
According to the information received from foreign sources, Schulz was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs due to the arson of the Consulate General’s official vehicle on the night…
the prefect of police of Paris Didier Lallement leaves his functions
As Didier Lallement leaves his post as prefect of police in Paris on Wednesday July 20, the government is preparing to appoint his successor: Laurent Nuñez. The appointment of the…
Turmeric food supplements: ANSES calls for vigilance
News Published on 06/29/2022 at 2:05 p.m. Updated 06/29/2022 at 2:05 p.m. Reading 2 mins. Several cases of hepatitis have been reported in France and Italy following the intake of…