Camille Combal suffering from a genetic disease: what is keratoconus?
News Published on 05/29/2023 at 5:35 p.m. Updated 05/29/2023 at 5:35 p.m. Reading 3 mins. In a podcast, host Camille Combal returned to a corneal condition for which he must…
Sergio Rico in intensive care, the latest information on his state of health
The PSG goalkeeper is hospitalized in Seville following a serious riding accident. His state of health would be considered “worrying”. Sergio Rico is in serious condition. Sunday May 28, the…
Apple Music Classical has finally arrived on the Android side
Apple Music Classical The application entered the Android side after iOS. The application will now reach more people. Apple Music Classical music app last month China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan…
Colosseum, the new lift inaugurated: a unique view of the arena in the world
(Finance) – Starting from the month of June an elevation system located inside the arch XXVII of the will be open to the publicColosseumwhich will allow all Park visitors to…
Utrecht ChristenUnie politician in the Senate, CDA and Volt also win extra seat
Holterhues brings ten politicians from the province of Utrecht to the Senate. With 16 seats, the BBB is the largest in the Senate, three of which come from the province:…
The first car battery factory opened in France – the giant plant is part of a plan to bring industry back to Europe
DOUVER A huge factory producing batteries for electric cars was inaugurated in France today, Tuesday. More factories are coming. The opening day shows that France’s ambitious plan to give the…
A rare luxury for Aleksander Barkov and his partners before the NHL finals – “We bounced flat-footed in Florida”
Schedules of the NHL playoffs Four wins are required for the championship. 4.6. at 03:00 Vegas – Florida6.6. at 03:00 Vegas – Florida9.6. at 03:00 Florida – Vegas11.6. at 03:00…
The conflict in Kosovo escalates – “one of Europe’s most difficult to resolve”
On Monday evening, over 20 NATO peacekeepers were injured in violent protests. The events erupted after Serbian protesters tried to occupy the town hall in Zvecan, with the aim of…
Latest news – Explosion alarm
Emergency services and police have been alerted to an explosion in Lövgärdet in Gothenburg, write GP. A loud bang has been heard in the area. – It is the police…
Equality – part of SD’s culture war
The Sweden Democrats are preparing an equality policy program in which they claim that the fight against radical feminism is central. According to the party, the view on gender equality…