Packaging, Mascarino (Federalimentare): “Choice that penalizes Italy, decisive vote in the Plenary”

Packaging Mascarino Federalimentare Choice that penalizes Italy decisive vote in

(Finance) – “Sul regulation packagingand in particular on the topic of reuse he was born in recycling, the ENVI Commission was split in two, so much so that the amendment passed by only two votes (41 to 39), highlighting that the topic is divisive and that it contrasts two very different visions. As Federalimentare we are worried because we continue to promote a system that does not enhance the Italian model, based on recycling, but insists on the reuse of packaging: a measure that strongly penalizes our agri-food supply chain”. The President of Federalimentare declares this, Paul Mascarino.

“The affirmation of this line of thought seems to pursue more than one line ideological that a real desire to achieve the objectives contained in the Green Deal, which aim to protect the environment also by encouraging a production model based on the principles ofcircular economywhere Italy plays a primary role among the EU partners”.

“In view of the vote in the plenary of Parliament EU which will be decisive – concludes Mascarino – the evident division of the MEPs of the ENVI Commission on the issue of reuse and recycling is a good sign that nothing is taken for granted, and must push us to continue to defend our good reasons because the recycling supply chain in Italy is among the most virtuous, and has already exceeded the EU targets set for 2025 in advance and is close to reaching those for 2030″.
